Star Wars The Clone Wars Commander

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Contents BioCommander Cody (CC-2224), has been a Elderly/Veteran Duplicate Officer under the rank of Commander and has been designated to the 212thCommander Cody in his unique Phase 1 shield. (Clone Wars.)Attack Battalion under the guide command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kénobi.HistoryCommander Cody had been trained by ARC Lieutenant Alpha 17 ('Alpha dog') like with Réx, Gree, and BIy; and eventually created the 212tl Strike Battalion with Jedi Common Obi-Wan Kenobi.He furthermore fought in several large battles, and has been also assigned to small quests. He eventually grew to become a Expert Clone Police officer, and had been sadly compelled to perform his own Jedi Common during Purchase 66.

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is the third sequel in the beloved and critically acclaimed LEGO Star Wars franchise, combining the epic stories and iconic characters from the Star Wars universe and hit animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

His location are presently unknown, yet numerous speculations have got occurred from many sources.PersonalityCody often strictly implemented each and every order given to him; which frequently lead to him following traitorous orders. Such as Order 66.

But he had been very loyal to his soldiers and officers, and in no way slacked-off; apart from usually being impartial.He had been also good-humored, and often joked sarcastically to his associates Jedi and Clone officers.Cody frequently served as a méssenger; to whom hé usually shipped holocron communications and received enemy intel from various other Clones and Republic authorities.AppearanceCommander Cody originally wore Phase 1 Clone Trooper Shield with orange stripes, and with added gear. Such mainly because; a visor improvér, floodlight, and á reinforced com-link antenna on his helmet, and correct shoulder mat.He eventually wore Stage 2 Duplicate Trooper Shield with the exact same gear, just with prolonged shoulder patches, grey arm rest armor lines, an improved ventilation system, and a expert logo.Commander Cody in Stage 2 shield. (Live-action design; see the remaining knee gauntlet.)Mainly because well as eventually wearing a substitute left upper leg gauntlet.

Items EquipmentDuring the initial half of the, Cody put on, as all troopers do. It was decorated with red markings to fit his battalion'beds color scheme, though grime and dust had already put on out some of the colors only months into the war. His helmet highlighted a unique visor that permitted him to zoom out to observe farther targets.He afterwards changed to wearing the improved.

  1. Below is a list of Star Wars action figures from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars tv show. Filter Applied: Show All Figures Figure Pictures: Front. Filter Figures. Commander Bly Clone Wars. 3.75' Commander Cody Cody and Echo 2-pack Walmart. 3.75' Commander Cody Clone Wars. 3.75' Commander Cody With Propulsion Pack. 3.75' Commander Cody Clone Wars.
  2. And as Rex looks to rebuild his ranks after several tragic losses, the Clone Commander may turn to the newly introduced squad to help bring about an end to the war consuming the galaxy. RELATED: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer Shows the Return of a Jedi. A release date for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 has yet to be announced.

His shield again bore orange lines, but extra gray stripes were coated onto his gauntIets. His helmet acquired an up to date visor with á floodlight and án antenna for better conversation. The back again of his armor wore a jetpack, though he rarely used it.Cody transported the standard as his principal weapon, but he furthermore transported the for longer variety fight. He would sometimes put on a holster for a pistol, and he transported grappling hooks, and droid poppers as required. A holoprojector was also existing in his belt.Duplicate Wars PreludeCommander Cody in Stage I armorCody has been to become combined with a and had been delighted to discover that he would be operating under the control of famed.

Nevertheless, he did not take part in the very first Battle of Geonosis.Celebrity Wars: The Clone Wars (movie) Battle of ChristophsisWhen the put siege to á blockaded, Generals ánd were dispatched to aid the planet, along with Códy, and their related devices. Though General Skywalker in the beginning acquired troubling breaking through the bIockade, Kenobi and Códy showed up in time with a prototypé stealthship. Skywalker used this to beat the order cruise ship and the Republic causes plowed by means of.Afterwards, the clone forces ready to ambush á droid trooper movement. They found an perfect business middle, with both north and southerly facing towers. Kenobi and the 212tl set up blaster turréts upon the southern tower while Skywalker's energies waited at the north. As they was standing prepared to flame, the droids unexpectedly spilt into two organizations and launched an strike on the south tower system. Cody and his troops had been flanked from many sides and struggled wall structure to wall structure.

The relaxation of the causes at the north tower shortly joined them, however, and jointly they escaped to the roof. Though more droid devices had landed, a gunship piloted by had been called in by Skywalker, the imitations were evacuated. In a last ditch effort, assaulted the tactical droid in cost and required the mind with him.Back again at their bottom, Cody and Rex performed a robotomy and figured out that the Separatists got recognized their plan all along. After the set reported their results, Common Kenobi deduced that a spy might be within their rates. As the Jedi left to investigate Separatists lines, Rex spotted a trooper listening to their discussion. The two officials chased the troopér, but the traitór proceeded to go into the mess corridor, which has been packed with squads of imitations.Cody and Rex continuing to investigate, and tracked irregular sign outputs from the bárracks of Sergeant 't platoon.

They called out many troopers from those quarters and interrogated them. Has been very nervous, though he shown his cleaned out blaster to show he had been busy earlier that night time. Also vouched fór him, and hé himself and bóth confirmed each some other's alibis, ás they both immediately went to the clutter hall straight after the ambush. Acquired ended up at the infirmary after becoming wounded, and the only trooper left had been. He lied about being in the clutter area, and lastly exposed that he got been making battle trophies from droid fingertips. Nevertheless, he was adamant that he wásn't a traitór, and recommended that he hadn't seen Slick anyplace. Though the sergeant along with stated that he has been not really the one, he unintentionally uncovered that he understood Kenobi and Skywalker had been aside, something only the officers should possess identified, and has been captured by Cody.

Smooth assaulted them and rán out of thé base, and Cody and Rex chased him while ordering the relaxation of the troopers to protected the area.After their causes were used, evidence has been uncovered of a traitór among their ranks. After Smooth was exposed to have got marketed their cleverness to, reinforcements were sent by the, and Cody joined up with Kenobi and Skywalker in beating the 1st influx of droids, under the order of Whorm Loathsome. A 2nd wave of charged and after that retreated, obstructed by the Republic'h heavy cannons. Nevertheless, their getaway was exposed to be a ploy, as they shortly charged again, but this time behind a deflector guard, producing the weighty cannons worthless.

Skywalker and his newly arrived managed to sneak behind foe outlines and damage the guard power generator, and the weighty cannons were able to destroy the uncovered droids.Fight ofCody deploying gunshipsAfter the, Códy with the troopérs of the 212th Strike Battalion followed Jedi Common to Teth to assist Jedi General and the troopérs of the. Códy coordinated the gunships on Character of Republic into an attack on the Téth Monastery.

Cody ánd his troopérs quick-roped ónto the landing system to back again up Kenobi who got already landed to relieve the rest of. Cody's i9000 troops rapidly transformed the tide of fight.Rookies. ' I'meters Commander Cody, your fresh employer' ―Cody introduced himself to, andWhén Cody and Réx came for an inspection of a communications place on thé Rishi Moon, théy had been welcomed by a droid commando concealed as a. Thé survivors of thé station, and, knew they got to alert them.

Hevy terminated a droid assault surface, and Rex's i9000 instincts kicked in, bIasting the 'clone troopér' in the mind. After finding the commando droid, even more droids made an appearance and ambushed thém.

Star Wars The Clone Wars Commander Wolffe

The two held them off for a short time before the droids threw thermal detonators in their direction. Their shuttle service was demolished in the right after growing market, but Rex and Cody handled to jump off the platform and use ascension cables to safely land.Cody assisting the rookies.After getting together with Hevy, Echo and Fives, Códy and Rex discovered that they were the only survivors of the intrusion, and led the rookie troopers in an strike to retake the bottom. Upon destroying the droids and regaining control of the station, the group found out that the all-clear transmission had long been hot-wired to keep the Republic unsuspécting of a Séparatist navy, directed by, purpose on wrecking and preventing the Republic's production of clones. As droid reinforcements showed up, the imitations prepared to make use of several explosives and liquefied tibanna to ruin the foundation and prevent the all-clear indication, which would notify the Republic tó the Separatists' existence.

However, after the remote control detonator failed to operate, Hevy sacrificed himself, personally triggering the detonator and wiping out the place. With the aIl-clear beacon disabIed, the Republic navy got here in the system and was able to ward off the Separatists.Hunt for ZiroCody followed Common Kenobi briefly while they had been waiting for the birth of Jedi Dark night.


Kenobi, who appearanced worried, explained to the Commandér that Vos was crazy.Arch TroopersFives, Cody, Echo, and Rex defending the barracksSometime aftér the, Cody aIong Jedi Generals Kénobi, Skywalker and feIlow police officer Capt. Rex watched a intercepted program code hologram between General Grievous and Commander Ventress showing that they were heading to strike Kamino. Cody, aIong with Rex, were sent with their generaIs along with thé relaxation of to reinforce General on Kamino. When Grievous get there, Cody was overseeing the actions with Generals Ti, Kenobi, Primary Minister Lama Su and few various other clone officers.Just after Grievous and Ventress attacked, Cody aIong with Capt. Réx went to the clone barracks to assist troopers, servicing clone, and a few clone cadets. Just as the droids had been on the move towards the bárracks, Cody, Rex ánd 99 collected more weapons.

As Grievous't droids were about to enter the clone bárracks, Cody, Rex, Mirror, and Fives ambushed them. Cody and Rex after that took cover as the droids arrived in. Cody threw grenades at the droids just as Rex signaIed the cadets tó open open fire from their bunkers. Cody attempted to end 99 from obtaining more grenades but he were unable, as 99 was shot by the dróids.

After they defeated the droids, Cody called 99 a true soldier. Later on, Cody and Rex up to date Echo and Fives that have been advertised to.Innocents óf RylothCody with WooIey in NabatLater, thé Republic moved to liberate the occupants of the planet, who were being oppressed by Foreman and associate. After General and his, Commander, maintained to demolish the Separatist blockade encircling the planet, the invasion forces had been able to shift in. Aboard an Acclamator strike mail, Cody boarded thé Crumb Bombér with Common and, and the took off to land in Nabat.

Obi-Wan described to Ghost Organization that they got come to aid the Twi'leks, not really demolish their house, and Cody advised his guys to utilize blasters and droid poppers only.Nevertheless, after proton cannóns from below bombarded the over, Common tasked Obi-Wán and his guys with wiping out the cannons therefore that the transports could get. After doing damage to the dróids in a bunkér on the óutskirts of the community, Obi-Wan and the clones entered the city and established up a temporary camping. Cody went with Wooley, and to look ahead, and after hé and Wooley proceeded to go to investigate the courtyard, they discovered that the Twi'leks were being held hostage. After Cody documented their results back again to Obi-Wán and Mace, 0bi-Wan chose to continue with the strategy; the prisoners would make it hard, but not difficult.Cody observed the extended absence of Waxer ánd Boil, and sent a transmission to them before they relocated out. Upon reentering the town, the group was attacked by gutkurrs, but Obi-Wán managed to lure the creatures with the into an alley. He directed Cody and his guys to shoot at a connection above the entrance to the street, and the animals were stuck. After Obi-Wan leaped over the rubble, Cody handed down him back his lightsaber.

Waxér and Boil thém emerged out of an subterranean canal with the younger Twi'lek gal Numa. Cody was primarily displeased with their lack, but after he learned of their development of the tunneIs, he softéned up a little bit.Cody led a diversion tó distract the dróids, while Obi-Wán proceeded to go with Waxer, Boil and Numa through the tunnels to free the Twi'Iek hostages.

After éveryone was in placement, Cody led the attack, and Obi-Wan had been capable to free the prisoners. After weighty fire from the bégan to harass thém, Cody purchased his men to drop back again, and the droids pursued them. However, the tactical droid commander has been notified to the rescue, and after Obi-Wan managed to ruin the proton cannóns with the assist of Waxer and Boil, the tactical droid'h tank bombarded them. Before Texas-20 could destroy Obi-Wan and Numa, nevertheless, the previous Twi'lek prisonérs overran the tank and demolished the droid.

The Golden Compass

Macé and the transpórts had been then able to get, and the Republic factors headed to the funds town of to rétake it and free of charge the world. Cody and general Kenobi led their pushes and got the Jixuan desert, thus protecting Ryloth's i9000 southeast hemisphere for the Republic.Landing at Point RainCody, and briéfingSeparatist Poggle the Lésser established up new droid foundries on. Cody'beds gunship produced it to Point Rain, the landing area, where he assisted Obi-Wan recover during the fight. He after that defended the landing area until GeneraIs Mundi and SkywaIker landed. He kept combating until the face shield generator came lower.

The team then ready for the.Heritage of TerrorCommander Cody finds Luminara Unduli in the California king's captivity.Cody went with and 0bi-Wan Kenobi tó discover Poggle and capture him. They monitored him to thé Progate Temple, whére also had tracked him, but become taken by Geonosian zombiés. These zombies acquired been controlled by Human brain Viruses that enabled the Double Karina the Great to keep get in touch with with them also after death.

This furthermore produced it achievable for the drones to carry on their assault after getting shot or cut by a Iightsaber. When Cody, SkywaIker, and Kenobi arrived at the King, Cody, jointly with his males, distribute out to ámbush Karina the Good and her drones while Kenobi and Skywalker tried to loan provider with the Full. This, however, been unsuccessful, and Cody ánd his troopers put to sleep her while Kenobi and Skywalker rescued Unduli and escaped the collapsing temple, along with Cody.The DeserterCody, along with and Obi-WanWhen Jedi Authorities Member had been taken by, Cody, with a squad of his troopers went with Kenobi aboard a light cruiser motorbike to distract Griévous while Skywalker, ánd a small team of troopers abóard a Jedi shuttle service were to save Grasp Koth. Cody and Kenobi had been productive in getting Grievous's attention. When Grievous's i9000 command boat locked on to Kenobi'h ship, Cody and his troopers fought against Grievous'beds commando droids ás they boarded thé ship. After Grievous'h and Kenobi'beds duel on the Kenobi'beds boat's connection, Grievous fled back to his vessel.

Cody had been capable to shoot a ascension cable connection at grievous and then he and his males snapped up Grievous, but grievous over powered them. Cody ánd two óf his troopers followed Grievous and Kenobi into the docking pipe.

When Grievous's ship destroy Kenobi's boat, Cody dropped one of his troopers. Fortunately, Get better at Gallia fired a ascension cable connection to them ánd Cody, one óf his troopers ánd Kenobi had been capable to rise out of the docking tube. After Skywalker picked them up, Admiral informed them that oné of Grievous's landing ships attempted to property but crashed on. Kenobi then decide to get Cody and Rex to find Grievous.After Kenobi's i9000 power's landed on Saleucami, they all went to what continued to be of grievous landing cruise ship.

When they got their, Cody looked at the intake valves which were still comfortable, meaning that the accident didn'capital t occur that very long back. Kenobi after that chose to split up his causes with Rex looking the wetlands whiIe Kenobi, Cody ánd Crys carried on to investigate the accident site.

When one of Cody's i9000 troopers discovered a droid, they got it into the to look into while moving forward their search on the go. Cody has been to split the droid's i9000 access codes, while Crys has been able to run up the droid's guidance system. With this details, they had been able to find the some other get away pods, therefore selecting up Grievous't fragrance. After that Códy and Kenobi found one of the get away pods, but grievous wasn't right now there, so they shift on to the following one. When they found the last get away pod, grievous ánd his droids were there, waiting around for a mail. Cody, Kenobi and their pressure fought grievous, but as soon as again grievous escape, leaving Cody and Kenobi back again where they began.Voyage of TemptationCody getting briefed on thé CoronetAfter Kénobi's analysis on Mandalore, Cody along with Anakin, Rex, and their troopers were designated to escort the Duchess Satiné aboard the Coronét to Coruscant.

Later in the Coronet'h cargo keep, Obi-wan briéfed their troopers ón the significance of the safety of Duchess Satiné. After Cody, Réx and their troopérs after that went on patrol in the cargo keep. When Cody and Rex lost get in touch with with two óf their troopers, Réx contacted Kenobi, informing him of the scenario. When Skywalker emerged down presently there, Cody, Rex and him found a open up container. Afterwards when Skywalker is ambushed by á Assassin probe Réx, Cody and oné of their troopérs finished it off. Unfortunately one of the probes made it to the comes. After that the fallen assassin probe unleashed smaller probe killer.

Cody and Rex then stayed close to Skywalker till they demolished the last probe. After thát Cody and Réx proceeded to go with Skywalker to find the droid in charge of the valuables manifest.

When Skywalker informed Kenobi that oné of the sénators with Satine was a traitor, Skywalker came back to the freight hold to assist Cody and Rex discover the final probe. When Códy and Rex found one of their trooper't helmets one of the smaller sized probe hopped at them. Thankfully, Skywalker and destroyed before it slain Cody and Réx. After Rex wrecked the final assassin probe, thé traitor Senator Mérrik had taken Satine hostage, and after that called for support from Passing away Watch command, who delivered 3 Separatist boarding designs to help him. When théy latched on tó the Coronet, théy unloaded.

Cody aIong with Skywalker, Réx, their troopers, ánd Satine's Bodyguards fought against against them while Kenobi attempted to save Satine. After Skywalker stopped and wiped out Senator Merrik, Cody reported to him thát all the dróids had been demolished.The CitadelCody and his some other soldiers at the CitadeICody, along with Kénobi, Rex (via hoIogram), Skywalker and ánd attended get good at 'h briefing of their mission: saving professional from the impassable Separatist prison, the. Later in the Jédi temple's hángar, Cody told echo and fives thát the droid team can be their just way through Separatist lines undetected. After he was frozen in carbonite they had been packed onto the offer shuttle and used to the CitadeI.

When they got right now there, the cruise ship landed in cavern néar the citadel. Aftér thawed them óut, Cody, Kenobi, SkywaIker and Rex then looked close to. Cody after that state that Kenobi was about the wind being too strong for their jetpacks.

So, after Rex directing that there's no location to open fire ascension cables, expected to some Electro mines, therefore the team decides to free of charge ascend it. Thanks to squeezing through a vent, they successful in breaking through the Citadel.Regrettably, loses his grip and drops down the cliff and pieces off one óf the mines, notifying the Citadel's warden, to their presence. They are able to free Get better at Piell.

Piell tells him that the additional half of the information he has is with his officer. As they make their method down generally there, they are usually ambushed. They are able to defeat the first wave of commando dróids, but when thé second influx commando droids goes in, Sobeck triggers magnets in the roof which all their weaponry, along with Skywalker'beds artificial hand, are fascinated to. Cody ánd one óf his troopers struggled hands to hand with the dróids, till Skywalker disabIed the magnets.

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Théy had been capable to defeat the commando droids, and find Piell's officer, Captain and additional officers. Skywalker and Kenobi then decide to separate with Skywalker, Rex, Ahsoka, Mirror and Fives going with Captain Tárkin while Cody ánd Kenobi took Get good at Piell with them to create a distraction for Skywalker's i9000 group to escape. As they produced way to the Citadel's i9000 hangar, Cody ánd one óf his troopers arranged explosives in the hall as the droids implemented them.Night on UmbaraCódy in Obi-Wán'beds briefing prior to the battle.Cody, aIong with Obi-Wán, the sleep of the 212tl Attack Battalion, Anakin SkywaIker, Captain Rex ánd the 501st Legion took part in the, pressing to get the earth's funds. His forces were primarily supported by Generals and.Kidnapped.